Wednesday 8 February 2012

Has social media incresed the quality of news or decreased it?

I believe that social media has increased the news and information that we read, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the quality of the news has gotten better. Everybody has access to posting their own information on to the social media websites, which could be a good or bad thing. We don’t know if all of the news that we are reading is actually the truth. Even with everybody knowing that, most people still get their news through social media because it's so much more convenient. Using social media you can get your news on the go for free, instead of having to go out of your way to go and buy a newspaper. There are now apps that you can download onto your phone to access everyday news. In our society today, people are too lazy to go and buy a newspaper. They would rather just click on the application on their phone and read the news that this social media provides them with. Personally, I don't remember the last time I picked up a newspaper and started reading it, or even watched the news. Instead, I use my blackberry to find out the weather on my "weather app" or read the news online via Twitter or Facebook. Nowadays, most teens prefer social media websites over watching the television to find out news worthy topics. To me, that is pretty unbelievable since the TV has always been a main leisure activity for the average teenager. I also fall into the category that uses social media more since I use Twitter and Facebook throughout the whole day. I have easy access to Facebook and Twitter through my phone so it's easily accessible whenever I want it. In comparison, the television isn't portable or convenient. 65% of people get their news through social media websites which means more people get their news and information from social media rather than a newspaper or radio. Social media has increased the amount of people who read the news and the quantity of news that we read, but this doesn't mean that the news we are reading is necessarily better quality.


  1. i certainly agree for the fact that news that are published through social media has not increased in quality but instead, it has increased in quantity. It is true that social media has increased their scale in making things more convenient and free for the public which helps the community to save their money and use it for the things they need. But we all have to remember that everything that we see or do has a negative side to it for example; when people read news articles online, it is hard or "risky" for them to trust it because anyone could be an author. Therefore when people read news articles online they have to be careful and see if the author has a legitimate resource that supports his or her claim or they could look for the most trusted news article page that is well known by the public.

  2. I agree with what you wrote. Social media hasn’t improved the quality of the news but it has certainly increased the news and information. Even though many know that social media can provide false information yet the number of people using it hasn’t decreased. This is why “Wikipedia” goes under negative source to view for information because everyone has access to edit the information. Therefore, knowing the right/wrong source to get accurate information is essential.
